- 这事你能肯定吗? Are you sure about that?
- 我也听说他与此事有牵连,但是你能肯定吗? I also heard that he was involved in the matter, but do you know it for sure.
- 这事你肯定吗? Are you sure about that?
- “这事你能做吗?”“当然行。” "Can you do it?" "You betcha."
- 这事你拿得稳吗? Are you sure of it?
- 你能肯定吗? 请不要怕难为情。 Are you sure? Please do not be bashful .
- 这事你怎么保密啊? Why do you keep so quiet about it?
- 让我们接受指定的二程船很困难,你能肯定那艘船在温哥华停靠而且船没有满载? It's very hard for us to accept a designated on-carrier. Are you sure the vessel will call at Vancourver and she is not carrying a full load?
- 这事你一生应铭记在心。 You should treasure it up in your memory in your whole life.
- 这事你要三思。 You need to think twice of the matter.
- 你能肯定她是谁吗? Are you quite certain who she is?
- 这事你没法回避。 You can't just run away from the situation.
- 你能肯定这些磁带你们暂时不用吗? Are you sure you can spare these tapes?
- 这事你看怎样方便就怎样安排。 You can arrange the matter at your own convenience.
- 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗? Can you date the fossil exactly?
- 我怕这事你也有份。 I'm afraid you have had a hand in this.
- 你能肯定他老实吗? Are you sure that he is honest?
- 这事你看是私了还是公了? Would you prefer to settle the matter in court or out of court?
- 你能肯定火车还没开走吗? Have you made sure that the train hasn't left yet?
- 这事你得去处理 别想往我身上推. You've got to deal with this don't try and dump it in my lap.