- 这么早就要走了? Must you leave so early?
- 这么早就要走?我们刚准备要切蛋糕。 Leaving the party so soon? We're just getting ready to cut the cake.
- 你为什么这么早就要走? What takes you away (ie Why are you leaving) so early?
- 很遗憾你这么早就走了。 It is a pity you are leaving so soon.
- "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。" 汤姆说道。 "Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- 不,我没时间去了,我明天就要走了。 No,I haven't got the time for that. I'm leaving tomorrow.
- 他难道这么早就走了? Can he have left so soon?
- 妈妈,我要走了。 I'm leaving now, mum.
- 哇!我们别这么早就打如意算盘。这才是我们第一次约会而已。 B: Whoa! Let's not jump the gun. This is only our first date.
- 我不能确定埃拉是不是爱我。但是她要走了,也许是一去不回头了。我决定豁出去向她求婚。 I wasn't sure whether Ella loved me or not, but she was leaving—perhaps for good. I decided to fling caution to the winds and ask her to marry me.
- 他不可能这么早就离开。 He couldn't have checked out so early.
- 常给我们看病的那个医生,我们都非常喜欢他,他要走了。 Our doctor, whom/who we all like very much, is leaving.
- 我相信,还没有任何一个学院在学期这么早就是负分:宴会的布丁还没上来呢。 I don't believe any House has ever been in negative figures this early in the term: We haven't even started pudding.
- 我真得要走了。今天下午我有许多事情要做。 I really should be leaving. I've got a lot to do this afternoon.
- 任何人如想在商业界挑大梁,解决问题,就得很早就要学会安排事物的轻重缓急。 Anyone who wants to become a problem-solver in business has to learn fairly early how to establish priorities.
- 她蹦蹦跳跳地来到我们面前说她要走了. She waltzed up to us and announced that she was leaving.
- 赵女士,您真是太好了,这么早就来机场接我。 It is so thoughtful of you to come to meet me here at such an early hour,Ms. Zhao.
- 他要走了。我们过去跟他到个别吧。 He's gonna take off. Let go over and say good-bye to him.
- 这么早长城上就挤满了人;工匠们正在将一段新旋梯接补到残破的旧楼梯上。 Even at this hour it was acrawl with men, builders pushing up a new switchback stair to join the remnants of the old.
- 任何人如想在商业界挑大梁,解决问题,就得很早就要学会安排事物的轻重缓急。 Anyone who wants to become a problem-solver in business has to learn fairly early how to establish priorities.