- 这个花瓶多少钱? How much is this vase?
- 这个花瓶你要多少钱? To buy a vase. Miss Zhang: How much do you want for it?
- 这个 this
- 诸位愿给这个花瓶出多少钱? What am I bid for this vase?
- 这个花瓶很漂亮,多少钱? What a beautiful vase! How much dose it cost?
- 押金、一个月房租、房地产中介商的佣金、搬家费 ... 全部要准备多少钱呢? Damage deposit, one month's advance rent, realtor's commission, move fee ... how much shall I prepare altogether?
- 这个花瓶成为收藏家所争取的珍物。 The vase turned out to be a collector's item.
- 我打碎了这个花瓶,我真是愚蠢/笨/粗心。 How stupid/silly/clumsy/careless of me to break the vase.
- 当我告诉他修理费要花多少钱时,我瞧见他吃了一惊的样子。 I could see him wince when I told him how much the repairs would cost.
- 要多少钱 how much
- 我在当地的工艺市场上买了这个花瓶。 I bought the vase at the local craft fair.
- 一桶石油要多少钱? How much does a barrel of oil cost?
- 因为这个花瓶保持着原样,考古学家可以确定它的时代;在现场的调查人。 the archeologists could date the vase because it was in situ; an in-situ investigator.
- 你向他借了多少钱? How much have you borrowed from him?
- 这个花瓶是伪造品。 This vase is a forgery!
- 你知道爱默生先生同意为那个花瓶付多少钱吗?2万美元! Do you know how much Mr. Emerson took for that vase? Twenty thousand dollars!
- 寄这个包裹要多少钱? What is the postage on this parcel?
- 这个卖多少钱? How do you sell this?
- 多漂亮的花瓶,卖多少钱? Customer: Oh, what a beautiful vase! How much did it cost?
- 这个铅笔盒多少钱? How much is this pencil-box?