- 这个篮子里有多少香蕉? How many bananas are in the basket?
- 篮子里有多少香蕉? How many bananas are in the basket?
- 这个篮子里有新鲜鸡蛋,一条新出炉的面包和一小块黄油。 It was a basket with fresh eggs, a newly-baked loaf of bread, a pat of butter.
- 这个 this
- 你能看见蓝子里有多少香蕉? How many bananas can you see in the basket?
- 请您把鞋子脱掉放在这个篮子里。然后通过安全门,谢谢。 Please take off your shoes and put them in this basket before going through the gate, thanks.
- 篮子里有多少苹果? How many apples are there in the basket?
- 我们需要多少香蕉? How many bananas do we need?
- 把买来的东西放在这个篮子里。 Put the shopping in this basket.
- 请将您口袋中所有的金属物品取出来,放在这个篮子里。 Please empty your pockets of all metal things and put them in this basket.
- 他看清楚汽球下面的篮子里有三个人,其中一个正拿着双筒望远镜。 He could make out why three men in the basket under the balloon and one of them was holding field-glasses.
- 从去年以来访问这个国家的人有多少? How many visitors to this country have there been since last year?
- 我知道你把自己的幸福全放在她身上。你的鸡蛋全部放在这个篮子里了。 I know you happiness depends on her. All your eggs are in that one basket.
- 瓶里有多少葡萄酒? How much grape wine is there in the bottle?
- 第四、调查这个组合的亲本有多少后代。 Fourth, investigate how many progeny the crosses have.
- 篮子里有六十个桔子。 There are sixty oranges in the basket.
- 篮子里有苹果吗? Is there any apple in the basket ?
- 篮子里有几个鸡蛋。 There are a few eggs in the basket.
- `他在银行里有多少存款?'`可多啦。' `How much money has he got in the bank?' `A fair bit.'
- 篮子里有很多苹果。 There are many apples in the basket.