- 这个一磅多少钱? How much is it per pound?
- 这个一码多少钱? How much is it a yard?
- 这个 this
- 波西亚对夏洛克说道:“现在你可以从他胸口上切下一磅肉了。” Now, you may cut out a pound of flesh from Antonio's breast,@ said Portia to Shylock.
- 定量配给一磅肉 to allowance a pound of meat
- 多少钱 how much
- 文件规定每人只能有一处房子,但这个一处就有大有小。 Although the document prescribes that each person may have only one residence,it may vary in size.
- 称体重的机器上有从一磅到300磅的刻度。 A machine for weighing people has a scale from one pound to 300 pounds on it.
- 文件规定每人只能有一处房子,但这个一处就有大有校 Although the document prescribes that each person may have only one residence, it may vary in size.
- 估量了一磅乳酪 Weighed out a pound of cheese
- 多少钱? How much is it?
- 一盎司的小心值得一磅的学问。 An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of learning.
- 他坚决要离开这个一片脏乱的家。 He would leave the house in a mess.
- 两杯水重大约一磅。 Two cupfuls of water weigh about a pound.
- 押金、一个月房租、房地产中介商的佣金、搬家费 ... 全部要准备多少钱呢? Damage deposit, one month's advance rent, realtor's commission, move fee ... how much shall I prepare altogether?
- 银行里有人搞错了,在这个一卷50便士的硬币卷中只有48便士。 Someone at the bank slipped up. There are 48 pennies in this 50-penny roll of cons.
- 可是,夏洛克并不想如期收到还款,他看准机会,要在安东尼奥身上割下一磅肉来抵偿。 Shylock sets a condition that should Bassanio be unable to pay back his debt on time, he will cut a pound of flesh from Antonio.
- 当我告诉他修理费要花多少钱时,我瞧见他吃了一惊的样子。 I could see him wince when I told him how much the repairs would cost.
- 寄这个包裹要多少钱? What is the postage on this parcel?
- 假如我要租一辆小型搬运车,要花多少钱? Suppose I wanted to hire a Mini van-how much would it cost?