- 这东西有多重? How heavy is it(= how much does it weigh)?
- 这个东西有多重? How heavy is it?
- 这 this
- 这东西有五吨重。 It weighs above five tons.
- 他把一杯水举起来,问大家:“你们估计这杯水有多重? He raised a glass of water and asked the audience,"How heavy do you think this glass of water is?
- 这东西有香甜味? It smell sweet.
- 多重人格 alternating personality
- 这东西有奶油味儿。 It taste of cream.
- 谁也不知道她对这孩子的爱有多深。 Nobody knew the depth of her love for the child.
- 多重的 mulriple
- 如果这东西对你有用,而你又喜欢的话,你尽可以留着它。 If it's of any use to you and if you like it, you can have it for keeps.
- 你有多重? How heavy are you?
- 你这小气家伙,梦里吃东西有我没有?” You selfish rascal, did I get anything to eat in your dream?"
- 这个婴儿出生时有多重? How heavy was the baby when he was born?
- 你若不看,我把这东西展示给你有什么用? What is the use of my showing this to you if you don't look?
- 那个盒子有多重? How much does that box weigh?
- 我想要些新鲜食品。这东西都有异味了。 I want some good scarf.This stuff stinks.
- 你有毛线团儿吗?小猫儿就喜欢玩这东西。 Do you have a wool ball? Cats love playing with it.
- 这个箱子有多重? How heavy is this box?
- 我花100元钱买这东西有什么关系,那是我的钱! What does it matter if I spent %24100 on it,it's my money!