- 这一周您有时间吗? Would sometime this week be convenient for you?
- 约翰逊先生,有件事想跟您谈谈。这周您有时间吗? Mr. Johnson, there's something I'd like to talk over with you. Would sometime this week be convenient for you?
- 然而,我们还要告知您在这一周的假期中学生有相当数量重要的学术作业需要完成。 However, it is very important to be aware that students have a significant amount of important academic work to do during that week.
- 一周休息一天时,上班族只能有时间勉强安排家务。 With only one day off in a week working people had barely enough time to arrange the household.
- 既然您有了强名称程序集,让我们返回到注册这一主题。 So now that you have an assembly with a strong name, we return to the topic of registration.
- 如果我们现在多买些食物,就省得这一周再采购了。 If we buy plenty of food now it will save shopping later in the week.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 你看可以下星期五约个时间吗? Do you think you could make it sometime next Friday?
- 加拿大代表团感谢主席在这一周中所作出的努力。 The Delegation of Canada thanked the Chair for the efforts he had made over the week.
- 您觉得您有能力写诗吗? Do you think you are capable of writing poems ?
- 这一优美的建筑应该保护好留给子孙后代。 This fine building should be preserved for posterity.
- 您觉得您有能力指挥军队吗? Do you think you have the ability to command an army ?
- 这真是令人兴奋的一周。 This has been an exciting week.
- 您觉得您有能力主持这次讲座吗? Do you think you have the capability to lead the discussion ?
- 这一重要因素被我们大多数人所忽视。 This important factor was scanted by most of us.
- 别再给我唠叨了,行吗?我一有时间就做这事。 Oh, get off my back, will you? I'll do it as soon as I have time.
- 一周六天上课时间中共有五节核心学术课。 Core academic classes will meet for a total of five periods on the six school days.
- 我发誓将我的时间和精力致力于这一事业。 I vow to give my time and strength to this case.
- 这一方法仅适用于某些简单的小规模问题。 This method is feasible only for some simple, small-scale problems.
- 通常您有一个工作日的时间来达到追补按金的要求;但在市场波动期间,您可能需要在更短的时间内达到要求。 You generally have one business day to meet the call; however, this can be shorter in volatile market conditions.