- 还有二楼前排的座位吗? Do you still have front- row seat on the second level?
- 还有三楼前排的票。 The front balcony is still available.
- 这是你上高中的第一年,还有二到三年你跟宝拉和凯菲当同学,你应该努力跟她们搞好关系。 This is your first year of junior high. Paula and Kathy will be your classmates for two more years. You should try to get along with them.
- 当他们穿过新泽西州时,坐在前排的一个叫温格的男人引起他们的注意。 As the bus passed through New Jersey, they began to notice Vingo.
- 在特别席第2排和第3排还有座位吗? Do you have any vacant seats in the second or the third row of the dresscircles?
- 作为一种周年纪念礼物,斯图尔特带我去听歌剧,我们的座位就在第一层楼厅的前排。 For an anniversary present Stuart took me to the opera and we had seats in the dress circle.
- 一个很大的凸式窗子从二楼伸出来,屋前有一块长两丈五宽一丈的草坪,屋后还有一个小院子,被隔壁人家的篱笆围在当中。那里有个马厩,是他养马和放马车的地方。 It had a large bay window bulging out from the second floor, and was graced in front by a small grassy plot, twenty-five feet wide and ten feet deep. There was also a small rear yard, walled in by the fences of the neighbours and holding a stable where he kept his horse and trap.
- 血二绒膜胎盘 heotrichorial placenta
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 作为一种周年纪念礼物, 斯图尔特带我去听歌剧, 我们的座位就在第一层楼厅的前排。 For an anniversary present Stuart took me to the opera and we had seats in the dress circle.