这件运动衫和那条短裤很相配。 This sport jacket will match those pants nicely.
太阳很热,他便把运动衫搭在头上。 The sun was hot, so he pulled his sweater over his head.
"我在厨房里干活,把运动衫弄脏了。" I've mucked up my sweater by working in the kitchen.
看,我校的运动员进场来了!他们穿着印有我校校名字样的运动衫,看上去个个精力充沛。 Look, our athletes are marching into the arena! They all look full of vigour in sweat-shirts emblazoned with the name of our school.
外面在下雨,我不得不套上一件厚运动衫。 I had to put on a sweater since it was raining hard outside.