- 起床后你做什么? What do you do after get up?
- 起床后你将做什么? What will you do after you get up?
- 起床后你将做什么? What will you do after you get up?
- 你做什么工作? What's your job?
- 退休后你计划做什么? What are you planning to do when you retire?
- 我能帮你做什么吗 what can I do for you
- 毕业后你希望做什么? What are you hoping to do when you leave school?
- 你在做什么啊? what are you doing?
- 今天下课后你打算做什么? What are you planning to do after class today?
- 你做什么都跟我毫无关系。 It doesn't matter to me what you do.
- 天黑后你跟那些男孩儿在公园到底做了什么! What on earth were you doing in the park after dark with those boys!
- 我能帮你做什么吗? What can I do to help you out?
- 毕业后你打算做什么? What do you plan to do after graduation?
- 你做什么消遣。 What do you do for relaxation?
- 大学毕业后你想做什么? What do you want to do after college?
- 你做什么我无所谓。 It doesn't matter to me what you do.
- 中学毕业后你想要做什么? What are you going to do when you finish school?
- 你做什么消遣? What do you do for relaxation?
- 那时候你做什么工作? What work wee you doing at that time?
- 他们对你做什么了? Monica: What did they do to you?