- 赫尔德,安娜1865?-1918法裔美籍专业演员,以其奢侈豪华的衣着和参加大量由弗洛伦兹 齐格飞导演的轻歌剧及音乐喜剧而闻名 French - born American entertainer noted for her lavish costumes and her appearances in numerous vaudeville shows and musical comedies produced by Florenz Ziegfeld.
- 赫尔德,安娜1865?-1918法裔美籍专业演员,以其奢侈豪华的衣着和参加大量由弗洛伦兹·齐格飞导演的轻歌剧及音乐喜剧而闻名 French-born American entertainer noted for her lavish costumes and her appearances in numerous vaudeville shows and musical comedies produced by Florenz Ziegfeld.
- 赫尔德 Herder
- 赫尔德交叉 Held decussation
- 赫尔德不等式 Hölder inequality
- 戴维·赫尔德 David Held
- 豪斯赫尔德正交变换 Householder orthogonalization transformation
- 我提醒吉罗德他曾许下的诺言。 I reminded Gerald of his promise.
- 赫尔德交叉,听神经交叉 Held decussation
- 阿联德陨石 Allende meteorite
- 阿基米德赋值 Archimedean valuation
- 阿基米德公理 Archimedean axiom
- 阿卡德阶 acadian stage
- 阿克隆德变形 Akerlund deformity
- [德]国际政治 Weltpolitik
- 阿德加霉素E aldgamycin E
- 阿德雷德羊毛 Adelaide wool
- 阿基米德定律 Archimedes'law
- 阿基米德数 Archimedes number
- 阿基米德统 Archimedian series