- 洁 clean
- 谦 modest
- 洁己奉公 clean oneself and perform a duty
- 洁具 cleaners and polishes
- 不洁 nastiness
- 洁面乳 face cleansing cream
- 谦谦君子 a modest gentleman
- 百洁布 scouring pad
- 满招损,谦受益
- [谚]貌谦内骄。 P-that apes humility.
- 不洁的 unwashed
- 她很自谦。 She is self-effacing.
- 谦慎 modest and prudent
- 洁身自爱 refuse to be contaminated by evil influences
- 谦语 modest language
- 不洁的水常会引起重病。 Water that is impure often causes serious illness.
- 谦抑 modesty
- (由于不洁而引起的)肮脏病 filth disease
- 谦敬 modest
- 新洁尔灭 benzalkonium bromide