- 谁跑得最快? Who ran quickest ?
- 他们在赛跑,看谁跑得最快。 They are racing to see who is fastest.
- 孩子们在争论谁跑得最快。 The boys were squabbling about who was the best runner.
- 我们来看看谁跑得最快。 Let's see who can run quickest.
- 谁跑得最远? Who ran (the) farthest?
- 谁跑得最快? Who ran quickest?
- 谁跑得慢?乌龟跑得慢。 Who runs slowly? The tortoise runs slowly.
- 猜谁跑的快小游戏 Guess who run fast Games
- 单独旅行的人走得最快。 He travels the fastest who travels alone.
- 如果你让跑得最快的人来定速度,那麽他们中的大多数人都将落後。 If you ask the fast runner to set the pace, then most of them will be leave behind.
- 眼泪干得最快。 Nothing dries sooner than a tear.
- 谁跑得最远? Who ran (the) farthest?
- 在所有学生中,我跑得最远。 Of all the students, I ran farthest.
- 任何人都可以像世界上游得最快的人那样游泳。可是你得先慢下来。 Anyone can swim like the world's fastest human. But you have to slow down first!
- 野兔和乌龟谁跑得快? Who runs fast, the hare or the tortoise?
- 鹰蛾是世界上飞得最快的昆虫,大约每小时33英里。 The hawk moth is the fastest flying insect in the world reaching up to 33 miles per hour.
- 谁跑得快?兔子跑得快。 Who runs fast? The hare runs fast.
- 哪种泳姿游得最快? Which is the fastest swimming stroke?
- 毫无疑问他在他们当中跑得最优雅。 Without doubt he runs the most gracefully among them.
- 你们谁跑得快些?是你还是他? Who runs faster, you or he ?