- 谁要出去散步? Who would like to go out for a walk?
- 他想要出去散步。 He would like to go out for a walk.
- 我想要出去散步。 I want to go out for a walk.
- 出去 go out
- 我认为这并不是谁要去干涉日本的内政, I don't think this is an issue that should be regarded as interference in Japan's internal affairs.
- 就要 will; be about to
- 谁要是常和范妮吵架,他就必然没有资格讲道。 The man, who could often quarrel with Fanny, must be beyond his reach of sermons.
- 天下雨了,我要出去散步的想法也完了。 It's raining -- so much for my idea of taking a walk.
- 谁要是似是而非,模棱两可,她就会火冒三丈。 She would become quite irritated if people complicated the issue with grey.
- 在一个长时间的繁重的脑力劳动后出去散步是一个好习惯。 It is a good practice to take a walk when you have done strenuous mental work for a long time.
- 去你的,谁要你来管! Drat your interference.
- 出去散步 go out for a walk
- 谁要冰激凌? Who wants an ice cream?
- 晚上要出去喝一杯吗? Want to go out for a couple of drinks later tonight?
- 暖和的天气诱我出去散步。 The warm weather invited me to go out for a walk.
- 还有谁要去? Does anybody else want to go ?
- 许多人每天牵着狗出去散步。 Many people walk with dogs on a leash every day.
- 谁要先唱? Who wants to go first?
- 我和你父亲现在要出去了,让你们这一对恋人单独在一起。 Your father and I are going out now and we'll leave you two love birds alone.
- 亨: 是的,会有这种感觉。不过,早上我没时间出去散步。 Yes,they were,but I had no time to go for walks in the morning.