- 谁给你提供信息? Who supplies you with information?
- 我们生活在信息时代,信息是无价的。一位好的经纪人应该给你提供信息,同时还会花时间来教育你。 We live in the Information Age. Information is priceless. A good broker should provide you with information as well as take the time to educate you.
- 靠,你不把句子拿出来,谁给你翻译啊?难道是翻译你这句? Who English good, help me translate words, I give you one half gold coins.
- 他会给你提供信息吗? Will he procure the information for you?
- 鬼子把雨来捉住了,还发现了他的课本,鬼子问:“谁给你的? The Japanese caught him and found his book, they asked: "Who give you this book?
- 你能告诉我谁给你买的裙子吗?你爸爸、妈妈、奶奶还是你爷爷? Can you tell me who get the skirt for you? Your daddy or your mummy or your grandma or your grandpa?
- 他能给你提供消息吗? Was he able to provide you with the information?
- 这个组织也许能为你提供这类信息。 This organization may be able to help you with such information.
- 谁给阿森纳队守球门? Who is keeping goal/is in goal (ie is goalkeeper) for Arsenal?
- 谁给你权利这么做的? What gives you the right to behave like that?
- 通知给或提供信息 To give or provide information.
- 我把跟服务员结帐的事交给你办行吗? Can I leave you to square up with the waiter?
- 谁给你女儿承办婚宴? Who's catering your daughter's wedding?
- 谢谢您给我提供信息。 Thank you for the information.
- 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。 Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat.
- 你的医生和助产士在这方面能够给你提供不少具体的指导。 Your doctor or midwife will give you specific instructions.
- 谁给你的信件打字? Who types the letter for you ?
- 给某人提供信息或让某人注意。 give information or notice to.
- 是谁给你灌输的这种思想? Who planted that idea in your head?
- 来玩吧,我们会给你提供住宿的。 Come visit, we'll find a bed for you.