- 谁拿了我的笔? Who's pinched my pen?
- 我们怎么知道呢,我不知道谁拿了你的笔。 Search me,I don't know who took your pen.
- 好了,别开玩笑了.谁拿了我的弹药? M01_ReaverGuard1_A00 = {Alright, joke's over. Who took my ammo?
- 谁拿了我的巧克力? Who has taken my chocolate?
- 你拿了我的笔吗? 是的,而且我还拿了你的橡皮擦。 "Do you have my pen? Yes. And I have your eraser, too."
- 谁拿了我的枪? Who took my gun?
- 要对那个时代作一番事实准确而巨细无疑的叙述,就得要一支文采远不如我的笔了。 To give an accurate and exhaustive account of that period will need afar less brilliant pen than mine.
- 你知道谁拿了我的火柴? Do you know who has collared my matches?
- 我记得,我初次同你交锋时你两分钟就击败了我的论点。 I remember when I first measured swords with you and you defeated my argument in two minutes!
- 谁拿了安娜的钢笔? Who has taken Anna's pen?
- 以“我的寒假计划”为题给你的笔友写一篇不少于60个词的电子邮件,标点符号不占格。 Write an e-mail of at least 60 words on the topic "My winter holiday plan".
- 钱没了,会是谁拿了? The money has disappeared. Who could have taken it?
- 她用了很长时间才明白了我的意思。 It was a long time before she tumbled to what I meant.
- 我错拿了他的笔。 I took his pen by mistake.
- 那笔钱从银行里消失了,没有人知道是谁拿的。 The money disappeared from the bank; no one knew who took it.
- 原来当今世上最美丽的笑容,就是充满了爱心的笑容,我终于找到了我的理想 The prettiest smile is the smile with love. I've found my dream
- 当老师问我们谁拿了那本书时,约翰承认是他拿的。 When the teacherasked us who had taken the book, John owned up.
- 我的俄国的笔友和我已经通信几年了。 My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years.
- 我被撵出了我的寄宿舍,所以我将与我的男友暂时住一时期。 I've been turned out of my lodgings to so I'm going shack up with my boyfriend for a while.
- 我没听说过谁拿《廊桥遗梦》与别的作品相比。 I have not heard about any comparisons with Bridges.