- 谁把我的钢笔拿走了? Who's gone off with my pen?
- 有人把我的钢笔拿走了。 Someone has made off with my pen.
- 谁把我的铅笔拿走了?你不能把这房子里的东西占为已有。 Who's taken my pencil? You can't call a thing you own in this house!
- 谁把我的钢笔拿走了? Who's gone off with my pen?
- 弃家求神的时候到了。呵,谁把我牵住在妄想里这么久呢? This is the time to give up my home and seek for God. Ah, who has held me so long in delusion here?
- 谁把我的文件弄得这么乱?我走的时候整整齐齐的,而现在满地都是。 Who's been buggering my papers about? I left them all tidy,and now here they are all over the floor.
- 谁拿走了我的钢笔? Who took away my pen?
- 我开始解释,我不可能干得很好,因为我的眼镜被拿走了,但她不准我讲完。 I started to explain that I could not do my best since my spectacles had been taken away from me, but she wouldn't let me finish.
- 你从我桌面拿走了我的钢笔,是吗? Did you borrow my pen from my desk?
- 我许愿说无论谁把我释放了,我将使他富有。 I made a promise that if anyone set me free, I would make him rich.
- 谁把我的计算器偷走了? Who's swiped my calculator?
- 爸爸:好的。哦,我差点忘了,我把我的球鞋忘在办公室了。 Dad: All right. Oh, I nearly forgetten, I left my sneakers at my office.
- 是谁拿走了我的钢笔? Who had bagged my pen?
- 那天聊完天以后,他顺手牵羊把我钢笔和打火机都拿走了 "That day after our chat, he walked away with Both my pen and the lighter"
- 谁把我的针线活儿弄乱了? Who has scrambled up my sewing things?
- 我把一本书忘记在公园的一张长凳上,有人顺手把他它拿走了。 I left my book on a park bench and someone walked off with it.
- 谁把我的书从桌上拿去了? Who has taken my book off the table?
- 手术后他们把我的眼睛蒙了一周时间。 They blindfolded my eyes for a week after the operation.
- 我请你们把我的话带给将要在新的领导机构里面工作的每一个同志。 I should like you to convey my words to every comrade who will be working in the new leading bodies.
- 你这个坏蛋! 你把我想要的书拿走了。 You wretch! You've taken the book I wanted.