- 谁把我的伞偷走了? Who's whipped my umbrella?
- 我一转身,他就把我的伞偷走了。 As soon as my back was turned,he made off with my umbrella.
- 弃家求神的时候到了。呵,谁把我牵住在妄想里这么久呢? This is the time to give up my home and seek for God. Ah, who has held me so long in delusion here?
- 谁把我的计算器偷走了? Who's swiped my calculator?
- 谁把我的文件弄得这么乱?我走的时候整整齐齐的,而现在满地都是。 Who's been buggering my papers about? I left them all tidy,and now here they are all over the floor.
- 风偷走了我的伞,把它扔进了水里。 The wind then stole my umbrella and pitched it into the water.
- 谁把我的铅笔拿走了?你不能把这房子里的东西占为已有。 Who's taken my pencil? You can't call a thing you own in this house!
- 有人偷走了我的伞。 Someone has walked off with my umbrella.
- 爸爸:好的。哦,我差点忘了,我把我的球鞋忘在办公室了。 Dad: All right. Oh, I nearly forgetten, I left my sneakers at my office.
- 谁把我轮胎里的气放掉了? Who let the air out of my tyres?
- 在人群中小偷从我的囗袋偷走了钱包。 In the crowd a thief abstracted my purse from my pocket.
- 你把我的伞带来了吗? Have you bring my umbrella?
- 谁把我在黑板上的数字擦掉了? Who rubbed my figures off the blackboard ?
- 当我全力帮助一位昏厥的妇女时,一个扒手偷走了我的钱包。 While I was trying to help a woman who had fainted,a pickpocket relieved me of my wallet.
- 谁把墨水泼在我的书上? Who spilt ink on my book?
- 那个绸缎商的伙计气势汹汹地向我冲来,把我吓了一大跳。 The mercer's journeyman came rushing upon me with such fury as very much frighted me.
- 把我的伞拿来。 Fetch me my umbrella.
- 谁把牛奶都倒光了,我没有往咖啡里放的了! Who's used up all the milk? There's none to put in my coffee!
- 你把我的伞弄到哪里去了? What have you done with(= where have you put)my umbrella?
- 这首开场把我直接带回了Malibu海滩,真是海滩听曲的绝配。 This beautiful intro brings me right back to Malibu Beach, perfect to listen to when you're on the beach.