- 谁想试试? Who'd like to have a try at it?
- 有谁想试试吗? Are you willing to risk that?
- 想 to think
- 不想 indisposition
- 想要 be desirous to
- 他谁是急不可待地想试试。 He must be itching to have a go at it.
- 谁想夺取国家政权,并想保持它,谁就应有强大的军队。 Whoever wants to seize and retain state power must have a strong army.
- 如果你喜欢动物园兽医,这里有几个类似的游戏,也许你也想试试吧! If you like Zoo Vet, here are some other games you should also try!
- 有谁想再吃点馅饼吗? Does anyone want some more pie?
- 她打算装扮成鬼的模样。头天晚上她已把化装服做好,这时她急于想试试。 Dress up impatient She intended to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before, she was impatient to try it on.
- 谁想用火腿三明治换奶酷和西红柿? Who wants to swap a ham sandwich for a cheese and tomato?
- 您想试试这种新胭脂吗? Do you want to have a try of this new rouge?
- 我最喜欢的音乐主持人就要播放他的歌曲了。谁想过来一起跳舞? My favourite DJ is about to play his set. Who wants to come and dance?
- 你想试试打壁球吗? Do you want to try your hand at squash?
- 谁想玩牌? Who wants to play cards?
- 你想试试保险行业吗? Do you want to try your hand at insurance?
- 谁想到它会这样成功。 Who would have thought it was going to be such a success.
- 我想试试泡沫烫。 I'd like to try a foam perm.
- 谁想去,我就带谁去。 I'll take whoever wants to go.
- 想试试 like to try