- 谁在这儿发号施令? Who calls the tunes around here?
- 无论是谁在这儿逗留几天便很快意识到这个城市并不大,但让人接受和富有魅力。 Anyone who stays a few days,soon realises that the city is small,comprehensible and charming.
- 谁在这儿指挥? Who commands here?
- 谁在这儿洒的水? Who sprinkled water here?
- 正如贵公司所知道的,在这儿,德国货和美国货具有很强的竞争力。 As you are well aware, there is a great competition on the part of both Germany and the United States.
- 谁在吹号角? Who is blowing the horn?
- 哎,这段时间我只得呆在这儿了。 Well, I'm stuck here for the duration.
- 谁在争端中充当调解人? Who will act as mediator in the dispute.
- 别慌,亨利!我在这儿呢!我永远和你在一起。 Steady, Henry! I'm here; I'm with you till the cows come home.
- 谁在用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破,岁月在墙上剥落看见小时侯。 Who played over a lute amid east breezes, Heart torn apart and tune falling into pieces? A weary wall stands peeling and silent.Doesn't it remind all but an age innocent?
- 我在这儿。 I am here.
- 此词在这儿取的是它的比喻意义。 The word here is used in its figurative sense.
- “谁得意,谁失意,谁在一边耍诡计”(詹姆斯·赖斯顿) "who's up, who's down and who's chiseling on the side" (James Reston)
- 从出勤情况可以很快看出,谁在努力工作,谁在寻找理由混日子。 People quickly become aware of who makes an effort to be there and who uses any excuse to miss a day.
- 如果允许的话,我想在这儿打个电话。 I shall like to make a phone call here, if I may.
- 谁在他们的正确头脑里要相信我与外星人接触而且说话长达数年之久? Who in their right mind was going to believe I was in contact with and speaking for ETs?
- 这个布景没有很好地占据空间,我们应在这儿增设一个。 The scenery does not fill the space properly, we should set ton an additional piece here.
- 在《玛地》里,虽然塔纪被认为是讲故事的人,可是我们不知道到底是谁在讲故事。 In Mardi, though Taji is supposed to be the narrator, we lose our sense of who is telling the tale.
- 对于在这儿建立一个电站的问题,电气学会并没认真考虑。 The Electricity Board have been dallying with, the idea of building a power station down here.
- 谁在食道里前进。你应该减少和你公园生活伙伴在一起的时间。进行一些体育锻炼 Who's that gut lord marching. You should cut down on your porklife mate. Get some exercise