- 谁在照顾那个婴儿? Who is minding the baby?
- 她告诉他们她会来照顾那个婴儿。 She told them that she would care for.
- 谁在照顾孩子? Who looks after the small fry?
- 我的父母现在正在照顾那个老人。 My parents are attending to that old man at the moment.
- 谁在用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破,岁月在墙上剥落看见小时侯。 Who played over a lute amid east breezes, Heart torn apart and tune falling into pieces? A weary wall stands peeling and silent.Doesn't it remind all but an age innocent?
- 照顾 take care of
- “谁得意,谁失意,谁在一边耍诡计”(詹姆斯·赖斯顿) "who's up, who's down and who's chiseling on the side" (James Reston)
- 那个婴儿在他妈妈死后活了一星期。 The baby lived on for a week after its mother died .
- 她宁可不睡觉也要照顾那个可怜的男孩。 She would rather not sleep to look after the poor boy.
- 谁在吹号角? Who is blowing the horn?
- 那个婴儿很可爱。 The newborn is lovely.
- 谁在争端中充当调解人? Who will act as mediator in the dispute.
- 她在照顾病人。 She is in attendance on the sick man.
- 他们日夜照顾那个生命垂危的人。 They attended day and night on the dying man.
- 从出勤情况可以很快看出,谁在努力工作,谁在寻找理由混日子。 People quickly become aware of who makes an effort to be there and who uses any excuse to miss a day.
- 那个婴儿是一个流口水的人;他需要一个口水兜。 that baby is a dribbler; he needs a bib.
- 这护士照顾这位病人彷佛在照顾她爸爸似的。 The nurse attends on the patient as if he were her father.
- 他向后看是谁在跟着他。 He looked backwards to see who was following him.
- 赵老师挎着药箱急匆匆地去照顾那个受伤者。 With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the wounded man.
- 谁在供她读书? Who's paying for her schooling?