- 谁喜欢去? Who likes to go?
- 喜欢 to like
- 谁喜欢坐在那里听你的废话连篇? Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?
- 有谁喜欢经常加班呢? Who likes to work overtime?
- 喜欢的 fond
- 是谁喜欢开玩笑和生活乐趣。 Who is fond of life and jest and pleasure?
- 我喜欢去参加他们的聚会,因为他们总是给我们提供好吃的。 I like going to their parties; they always lay on good food.
- 谁喜欢“古板严肃,正言厉色”? Who liked "dry light, and hard clouds, hard expressions, and hard manners"?
- 你喜欢去巴黎过寒假吗? Do you enjoy having a winter vacation in Paris?
- 谁喜欢坐在那里听你废话连篇? Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?
- 我们喜欢去郊游。 We were keen about going to the picnic.
- 我根本不喜欢去 I was anything but happy about going.
- 我喜欢去野餐和爬山。 I like to go on picnics and climb mountains.
- 我不喜欢去那儿。 I dislike to go there.
- 孩子们总喜欢去马戏团。 the children always love to go to the circus.
- 我往往更喜欢去乡村度假。 I tend to prefer having a holiday in the countryside.
- 她喜欢去。 She likes to go.
- 面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料。 Baker loathed going to this red-haired young pup for supplies.
- 狗喜欢去打猎。 Dogs like to go hunting.
- 许多年轻人喜欢去看体育比赛。 Much young people enjoy going to watch sports events.