- 谁偷走了我的钢笔? Who nicked my pen?
- 谁偷走了棺材,为什么要偷棺材,我们一无所知。 We are completely in the dark as to who stole the coffin and why it was stolen.
- 他们闯入我的车偷走了我的收音机。 Someone broke in while I was on vacation; They broke into my car and stole my radio!
- 谁偷走了装着魔法的瓶子,你能在的一时间找出凶手么。 Who stole the bottles containing the magic, you can find the time for a murderer Mody.
- 我不留心弄坏了玛丽的钢笔,出于报复,她撕掉了我的作业。 I broke Mary's pen by accident, and in revenge she tore up my school work.
- 谁拿走了我的钢笔? Who took away my pen?
- 我记得,我初次同你交锋时你两分钟就击败了我的论点。 I remember when I first measured swords with you and you defeated my argument in two minutes!
- 在这繁华都市中,你的心正被谁偷走,而你又在猎获谁的芳心? Right here in the busy city, by whom is your heart stolen, and whose heart are you after?
- 他的酒中被人下了麻醉药,趁他沉睡时他们偷走了他的钱。 His wine had been drugged, and they stole his money while he was sleeping heavily.
- 谁借了我的钢笔? Who has borrowed my pen?
- 有人把我的钢笔偷走了. Somebody has walked off with my pen.
- 她用了很长时间才明白了我的意思。 It was a long time before she tumbled to what I meant.
- 原来当今世上最美丽的笑容,就是充满了爱心的笑容,我终于找到了我的理想 The prettiest smile is the smile with love. I've found my dream
- 谁把我的计算器偷走了? Who's swiped my calculator?
- 偷走了我的心, TO steal my heart away
- 我被撵出了我的寄宿舍,所以我将与我的男友暂时住一时期。 I've been turned out of my lodgings to so I'm going shack up with my boyfriend for a while.
- 偷走了我的心! They 'ave stolen my 'eart awye!'
- 在我未到伦敦前,必须派遣一个明了我的企图的人去代理我,指导那里的参谋人员。 To provide guidance to the staff in London pending my arrival, it is necessary to send there someone who was acquainted with my general ideas.
- 有人偷走了我的伞。 Someone has walked off with my umbrella.
- 睡魔终于偷走了我的悲伤的意识。 Sleep at length stole from me the consciousness of sorrow.