- 在几年之中,他就从一位诚实而受人尊敬的将军变成一个阿谀奉迎、毫无骨气、虚伪之极的臣仆。 From an honorable, solidly respectable general he had developed in the course of years into a servile flatterer with all the wrong instincts.
- 在几年之中,他就从一位诚实而受人尊敬的将军变成一个阿谀奉迎、毫无骨气、虚伪之极的臣仆。 From an honorable, solidly respectable general he had developed in the course of years into a servile flatterer with all the wrong instincts.
- 奉 to receive (from superior)
- 奉上 offer
- 不为阿谀所动 be proof against flattery
- 你不可听信他的阿谀之词。 You must not fall for his flatteries.
- 奉为 regard as
- 贤明的君主不会要臣下阿谀逢迎。 A wise king would not want his officials to lick his spittle.
- 按此地址函索即免费寄奉样品。 Write now to this address and we will send you a free sample by return.
- 这些谀词出口的时候好象有些心不在焉精神错乱的样子。 These complimentary expressions were uttered in a somewhat absent and distracted manner.
- 他奉令狙击任何在营地附近走动的人。 He was ordered to snipe at anyone moving about the camp.
- 他的信中充满阿谀之词。 His letter was dripping with flattery.
- 奉为至宝 value
- 阿谀的 encomiastic
- 原始部落将太阳奉为神。 Primitive peoples deified the sun.
- 阿谀逢迎 curry favour
- 奉他之命 at his bidding
- 阿谀者 flatterer
- 好谀悦色 regard flattery as pleasure and cherish lust as desire
- 奉觞上寿 drink a toast of longevity