- 读者需要了解这些吗? Will the reader need to know this?
- 虽然所有这些都将不适用,我们需要了解这些陷阱。 Although all of these won't apply to everyone, we need to be aware of these traps.
- 吗 morphine
- 读者需要 reader needs
- 这些 these
- 读者需要自己去得出结论。 The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions.
- 就要这些吗? Will that be all?
- 不需要 have no use for
- 作为国际商务谈判人员,了解这些。 As a professional international negotiator, he or she must get to know all the cultural differences among countries.
- 是吗 is that right
- 就这些吗? Is that all?
- 我们需要了解一下这里的情形。 We need to pick up on what's going on here.
- 如果您不了解这些值,请联系FTP站点管理员。 If you do not know these values, contact the FTP site administrator.
- 她需要了解埃及眼镜蛇需要多长时间来毒死克利奥帕特拉。 She needs to know how long the venom from an Egyptian cobra would take to kill Cleopatra.
- 就这些吗,小姐? Will that be all, Miss?
- 他需要了解林肯的真正口音。 He wanted an authentic accent of Lincoln.
- 了解这些知识之后,我们就能更好地理解该代码了。 With this knowledge in hand we can now make better sense of the code.
- 例如,如果我要您来我家粉刷房子,您就需要了解我的地址。 For example, if I ask you to come over and paint my house, you need to know my address.
- 就这些吗,先生? Is that it ,sir?
- 你需要了解的? Does you want contact Carmen Electra?