- 一张去普次茅斯的火车票票价是多少? How much is a through ticket to Portsmouth?
- 请问,票价是多少? I'd like to go and visit the Yuyuan Garden. How much is the ticket?
- 多少 how much
- 请问 may I ask ...
- 一张去普次茅斯的火车票票价是多少? How much is a through ticket to Portsmouth?
- 票价 carfare
- 请问票价是多少? And what is the fare, please?
- 这家航空公司的行李重量限额是多少? What is the baggage allowance of this airline?
- 这些数字的总和是多少? How much do all these figures stack up to?
- 你知道硬座和硬卧的票价是不一样的,硬卧和软卧的票价也不一样。 You know there is some difference in fare between a hard seat and a hard berth,and between a hard berth and a soft berth.
- 如果你能在星期日回来的话,可以买我们周末优惠票。票价是333美元。 But if you return on Sunday,you can take advantage of our weekend discount fare of %24333.
- 请问是多少钱? How much is it, please?
- 如果你能在星期日回来的话,可以买我们的周末优惠票。票价是333美元。 But if you return on sunday,you can take advantage of our weekend fare of %24333
- 请问你的航次是多少? What is your flight number, please?
- 票价是每公里2元,并且基本的费用在白天是10元,在下午23点之后的11元。 The fare is 2 Yuan per kilometer, and basic charge is 10 Yuan in the daytime, 11Yuan after 23pm.
- 请问邮资是多少? How much is the postage, please?
- 列车员:你知道硬座和硬卧的票价是不一样的,硬卧和软卧的票价也不一样。 You know there is some difference in fare between a hard seat and a hard berth, and between a hard berth and a soft berth.
- 请问房价是多少? How much is the room, please?
- 列车员: 你知道硬座和硬卧的票价是不一样的,硬卧和软卧的票价也不一样。 You know there is some difference in fare between a hard seat and a hard berth, and between a hard berth and a soft berth.
- 请问你的账号是多少? What is your account number, please?