- 请问附近有车站吗? Excuse me, is there a bus station near here?
- 对不起,打扰了,附近有车站吗? Sorry to trouble you, but is there a bus stop near here?
- 我想换一下口味吃点日本料理,请问附近有没有日本料理店? Yes. I'm thinking of having some Japanese food for a change. Can you tell me if there is Japanese restaurant near here?
- 这附近有车站吗? Is there a stop near here?
- 吗 morphine
- 我想看看古堡,请问附近有没有好看的古堡? Free parking places in Heidelberg are most of the time fully occupied.
- 请问附近有没有电话? Is there a telephone near by?
- 那路车在本市所有有名的景点都有车站。 It'll stop at every famous place in our city.
- 车站 station
- 你能设法在中午前赶到车站吗? Can you contrive to be at the station by noon?
- 请问附近有没有的士高? Is there a disco near by?
- 走这条路能到车站吗? Will this road take me to the station?
- 请问附近有没有西饼店? Is there a cake shop near by?
- 你能让我搭便车到车站吗? Can you give me a lift to the station?
- 请问附近有没有药剂师? Is there a chemist's near by?
- 你能开车送我到车站吗? Could you give me a ride to the station?
- 请问附近有没有邮政局? Is there a post box near by?
- 我们能够及时赶到车站吗? Can we get to the station in time ?
- 我家附近有些商店。 There are shops in the neighbourhood of my house.
- 附近有一排新建的公寓。 There is a new block of flats nearby.