- 请问您要找哪一位? Who would you like to speak to?
- 我们这里有两位姓史密斯的先生。你要找哪一位? We have two Mr Smiths. Which do you want?
- 请问您要哪一种沙拉佐料,法式、千岛还是油醋佐料? Which kind of salad dressing would you prefer, French, Thousand Island or Oil and Vinegar?
- 您要找哪位? Whom would you like to speak to? A: David Lee.
- 抱歉让您久等了,请问您找哪一位? I'm sorry to have kept you waiting,is there anyone in particular you would like to see?
- 田中通用公司总机.请问您要找谁? O: Tanaka General Enterprises, switchboard. Who[m] do you wish to speak to?
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。 In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 请问您要申请哪一种保险? What kind of risks do you want covered?
- 3年来她一直师从于一位著名的音乐家。 For three years she is studying under a famous musician.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 你何时去交易会?明天还是另找哪一天? When will you go to the Fair, tomorrow or some other day?
- 先生请问您贵姓? What name,pleases?
- 打搅一下,我想知道我应该找哪一位? Excuse me,whom am I supposed to meet?The sales manager will be expecting you.
- 请问您的姓名和班机号码? May I have your name and flight number, please?
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发? Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- "他年轻力壮时,是一位了不起的网球运动员。" "In his heyday, he was a great tennis player."
- 海伦是一位出色的钢琴家,但她倾向于深藏不露,不愿在公开场合演奏。 Helen is an excellent pianist but she tends to hide her light under a bushel and won't play in public.
- 您要存多少? How long and how much are you going to deposit?
- 这本书情节丰富,哪一页都不乏味。 The book was full of action and wasn't boring for a single page.
- 我的医生让我去找一位专家诊治。 My doctor referred me to a specialist.