- 请问在哪里用早餐? Where can I have breakfast?
- 我们是新到的代表团。请问在哪里进行身份注册? We are the newly-arrived delegation. Where can we register?
- 常用 in common usage
- 谢谢。请问在哪里开发票? Thanks. Could you tell me where the invoice will be issued?
- 我知道他们还在休息中,但如果他们想用早餐的话,告诉他们快快起床。 I know they are on holiday, but tell them to rise and shine if they want some breakfast.
- 在哪里 where
- 不用 need not
- 请问 may I ask ...
- "请问在这一点上我是否做得差不多?" "先生,不是差不多,是完全正确。" "Please, am I almost right about this?" "Not almost, sir-you're spot on."
- 这是我的登机卡,请问在哪里取该航班的托运行李? Thisis my boardlng card, can you tell me where the baggage Claim counter iS?
- 没用 useless
- 不用谢 You're welcome
- 楼梯在哪里呢? Where are the stairs?
- 用来 be used for
- 请问在哪儿可以把纸币兑换成硬币? Could you tell me where to change paper money into silver?
- 你现在在哪里? Where are you now?
- 再用 reoccupy
- 嗨,John,我是MaryLee,你在哪里? Hi, John. This is Mary Lee speaking. Where are you?
- 领用 receive; get
- 你知道会议在哪里召开吗? Do you know where the conference is to be held?