- 请问先生请几位客人? How many people will you invite?
- 您打算请几位客人出席生日晚会? How many people do you expect to come to the birthday party?
- 这几天里我打算请几位朋友来家吃顿晚饭。 I' ll be having a few friends around for a meal one of these evenings.
- (请问先生(女士),西北航空的售票处在那里?) Excuse me Sir/Ma"am , Where is the Northwest ticket office ?
- 布里奇先生请阿德拉小姐跳第一个舞。 Mr. Bridge opened the ball by dancing with Miss Adela.
- 请问有几位客人? For how many guests, please?
- 请问先生有没有订座? Have you made a reservation, sir?
- 史密斯先生请一位朋友替他照管店务。 Mr. Smith got a friend to keep shop for him.
- 这位 this (person)
- 请问先生您使用小酒吧里的食品了吗? Did you take anything from the mini-bar, sir?
- 先生请讲。 Go ahead, sir.
- 现在让我代表我们的总经理约翰逊先生请大家跟我一起举杯祝愿我们合资企业取得的成功。 Now let me,on behalf of our general manager Mr. Johnson,ask you to join me in a toast to the success of our joint venture.
- 共有几位客人? How many of you will come to the dinner?
- 忙碌的时候,我总会请几个家庭服务员,帮我料理家务。 I will hire housekeepers to do housework for me when I am too busy to do it myself.
- 戴维斯先生请一个朋友去疏通关系,以便使他能从银行里借到钱。 Mr Davis asked a friend to grease the wheels so he could borrow money from the bank.
- 女主人表现了高雅的风度,以精致的花束赠送每位客人。 The hostess did the graceful by presenting every guest with a choice bouquet.
- 请问先生、女士们:刑诉中可以提起上诉的裁定有哪些?请赐教。谢谢! Excuse me gentleman, ladies: Does punishment appeal to in can you mention what does a:appellant ruling have? Ask grant instruction. Thank!
- 这段时间,他不得不请几天假。 During the period he had to take several days off.
- 这家旅馆有80位客人。 This hotel has eighty guests.
- 昨天我们接待了几位朋友。 Yesterday we were hosts to a few friends.