- 请问你的账户号码? What's your account number please?
- 你的姓名,账户号码及街道地址必需清楚地显示在此结单上。 Your name, account number, and the street address should be clearly visible on the statement.
- 请问你的名字及电话号码? May I have your name and telephone number?
- 您还记得住您的账户号码吗? Would you happen to know your account number?
- 对不起,请问你是从国家装置公司来的雷夫?梅耶史先生吗? Pardon me. Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures?
- 致电时请提供您的商户号码及该运通卡的账户号码。 Be prepared to give your Merchant number and the Card account number.
- 请问你的航次是多少? What is your flight number, please?
- 请问你的全名? Your full name, please?
- 交易账户号码 Replenishment of trading account No
- 请把你的旅行计划留下来,以便我们在遇到急事时和你取得联系 Leavesyour itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency
- 你的账户透支了。 Your deposit is overdrawn.
- 我平常可以正常登陆的,但是今天多次登陆,都无法成功!请问你可不可以帮我检查一下?谢谢你! I used to login everyday.However, i cannot login today! Can you help me to check about it? Thank you for your kind attention!
- 这是您的支票账户号码。 This is your check account number.
- 请问你的账号是多少? What is your account number, please?
- 我的储蓄账户号码是什么? What is my saving account number.
- 你不该把那辆不安全的汽车卖掉,你的不端行为迟早会得到报应。 You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition; sooner of later you misdeeds will come home to roost.
- 请问你叫什么名字? May I have your name, please?
- 已把5万元存入你的账户。 %2450000 has been credited to your account.
- 请在支票背面写上阁下之运通卡账户号码。 Make sure your Gold Card account number is written on the back of your check.
- 作为一个教员你必须争取使你自己和你的学员都很优秀。 As a trainer you must strive for excellence both from yourself and your trainee.