- 请打开窗子好吗? Do you think you could open the window?
- 劳驾,请打开窗子好吗? Excuse me, would you mind opening the window?
- 请你打开窗子好吗? Will you be good enough to open the window?
- 请你打开窗子好不好? Would you mind opening the window?
- 我打开电视机好吗? --好,请打开吧。 Shall I turn on the TV? -- Yes, please.
- 打开窗子好通风。 Open the window for some ventilation.
- 请替我打开窗子好吗? Will you oblige me by opening the window?
- 电话铃声响时请你接电话好吗? Will you answer the telephone if it rings?
- 她打开窗子好让新鲜空气进来。 She opened the window to let some fresh air in.
- 请你站开让我走过去好吗? Would you mind stepping aside to let me pass?
- 劳驾,替我打开那扇窗子好吗? Could you possibly open that window for me?
- 请你把这颗纽扣缝到我的衬衫上好吗? Would you sew this button onto my shirt?
- 请打开这只箱子好吗? Would you mind opening the case?
- 请您填写姓名和住址好吗? Would you kindly fill in your name and address?
- 你要我打开窗子吗? Shall I open the window?
- 请打开它,好吗? Will you please open it?
- 请再详细讲一讲您的建议好吗? Would you please enlarge a little on your suggestions?
- 你反对我打开窗子吗? Have you any objection to my opening the window?
- 请你往右边移一点好吗? Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right?
- 请打开你的箱子行吗? Would you please open your suitcases?