- 请您拿出来好吗? Could you take it out?
- 请您拚出来好吗? Would you mind spelling that for me?
- 请 please
- 我给您拿点好吗? Shall I bring some for you?
- 请您拿着行李牌,来行李部取您的包。 Could you come down to the bell captain's Desk with your claim tag to pick up your bags?
- 请您填写姓名和住址好吗? Would you kindly fill in your name and address?
- 请您把身上的打火机、香烟、手机、计算器和钥匙等拿出来放在这个托盘里。 Please put your lighter, cigarettes, mobile, calculators and keys on the tray.
- 我让服务员给您拿一双筷子好吗? Shall I ask the waiter to bring you a pair of chopsticks?
- 请您拿小票到收银台交款、并换取发票。 Now please go to pay the cashier with your sales check, and exchange it for an invoice.
- 车正在那边等着,咱们现在就去宾馆吧。我来帮您拿行李好吗? Our car is waiting over there. Let's drive to the hotel. May I help you with your luggage?
- 您好,请您脱鞋,把身上带的东西都拿出来。 Excuse me, please take off your shoes and take your personal things out of your pockets.
- 请您跳第一个舞,好吗? May I have the first dance?
- 我给您拿点沙拉好吗? May I bring you a salad?
- 在您就坐前,请您拿一个托盘,然后在柜台点菜。 Before you sit down, please take a tray and order your food from the counter.
- 请您赏光参加我们的英语晚会好吗? Will you do me the pleasure of coming to our English Evening?
- 我来给您拿点儿什么喝的好吗? Could I get you something to drink?
- 那么,能不能请您拿了我的护照到邮局去一次,问问有没有寄给我的留局待领的信件? Well,would you be so good as to take my passport,call at the bureau and ask if they are holding any letters for me poste restante?
- 请您赏光和我跳个舞好吗? Could you oblige me with a dance?
- 请您帮一下忙好吗? May I request a favour of you?
- 没问题。好了,该航班已经开始办理登机手续了,请您拿好您的机票和东西到E17号柜台办理登记手续。 No problem... OK now.The check-in procedure for the flight has already begun.Please take your tickets and other things to E17 counter to check in.