- 该轮到谁走了? Whose move is it?
- 该轮到谁发牌了? Whose turn is it to deal the cards?
- 行了,机会均等--你用计算机已经很长时间了,现在该轮到我了。 Come on, fair dos you've had a long go on the computer and now it's my turn.
- 下面该轮到谁击球了? Who's in next to bat?
- 不管你跟谁走,只要反共,你就是汉奸,因为你不能再抗日。 No matter whom you follow,the moment you oppose the Communist Party you become a traitor,because you can no longer resist Japan.
- 我们走了一条比通常要长的路来的。 We came by a longer route than usual.
- 轮 wheel
- 他们正在争论这回该轮到谁了。 They are having an argument about whose turn it is.
- 他用肘轻推他的朋友告诉他该走了。 He nudged his friend to let him know it was time to leave.
- 轮到我背诵了,我多么想能够一点不错地把那些规则说出来啊! It was my turn to recite. How How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake!
- 他来到门口,试图向我兜售百科全书,但我很快把他打发走了。 He came to the door and tried to sell me an encyclopaedia but I soon sent him about his business.
- ‘该走了。’‘我还没准备好呢。’ It's time to go. ' I'm not ready yet.'
- 轮到他击球。 It's his turn to bat.
- 该轮预定于5月8日抵达汉堡。 which is due to arrive at Hamburg on 8th May.
- 旧老板屁股一拍走了,留下这么一个烂摊子,谁也没有什么好办法。 The old boss left such a mess behind, nobody has a good way to clear it up.
- 普通大赦年每二十五年轮到一次。 An ordinary jubilee occurs every twenty-five years.
- 别推,等轮到你再上公共汽车。 Don't push; wait before you get on the bus.
- 他们的问题就在于,他们好像认为谁要去英国就会在那里呆下去不走了。 The trouble with then is they seem to think anyone who goes to Britain will stay put there.
- 轮到击球 at bat
- 恐怕我们该走了。说说你们的意见,小宝宝们。 Perhaps it's time we were leaving. Speak for yourselves,darlings.