- 试销说明了什麼? What does the test marketing show?
- 试销说明了什么? What does the test marketing show?
- 这一展览说明了本市存在的许多问题。 The exhibition is demonstrative of many problems in the city.
- 艾琳和杰米有了自己的旅馆房间时发生了什麼事情? What will happen when Erin and Jamie get their own hotel room?
- 领班对新来的技工说明了工作任务。 The foreman laid out the job for the new mechanic.
- 图4-1说明了间距不同所组成的条纹。 Fig. 4. 1 illustrates the fringe formation due to pitch difference.
- 老师在课文中充分说明了该词的用法。 The teacher richly exemplified the use of the word in the text.
- 粒子的自旋说明了它所服从的统计法类型。 The spin of a particle tells us the type of statistics it obeys.
- 图3说明了最简单的竖直摆和水平摆的原理。 Figure 3 illustrates in principle a vertical pendulum and a horizontal pendulum of the simplest kind.
- 这房间的风格说明了他对美与质朴的憧憬。 The room's style exemplifies his ideal of beauty and plainness.
- 他清楚地向我说明了去那儿的路线。 He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there.
- 但是这个故事也说明了词汇的贫乏。 But the story also shows a scarcity of words.
- 这充分说明了在外交上同苏联打交道是很需要些耐力的。 It was a good illustration of the stamina required to deal with Soviet diplomacy.
- 本节说明了如何比较分析工具报告。 This section explains how to compare two profiling tools reports.
- 你们现在看到的图表说明了这个网络在欧洲的分布。 The chart you are seeing shows the network in Europe.
- 他用简单的英语说明了自己的想法。 He set out his ideas in simple English.
- 说明了使用JNDI查找远程CORBA对象。 Illustrates the use of JNDI to look up remote CORBA objects.
- 这个公司的银行报告说明了它的成功。 The company's bank statements illustrate its success.
- 下面的示例说明了如何使用此工具。 The examples shown below are ideas that showcase how this tool can be used.
- 这个事实,说明了党的提拔干部的工作,仍然有重大的缺点。 This shows there are still serious defects in the process of selecting and promoting cadres.