- 评论如何评价这部电影? What did the review say about the movie?
- 这 this
- 部 department
- 怎么评论这部电影? What did the review say about the movie?
- 我们将评价这一行动的后果。 We'll weight up the consequences of the action.
- 嗯,你觉得这部电影如何? Well, how did you like the film?
- 你对那里教育的整体水准如何评价? How do you evaluate the general standard of education there?
- 他答应在一家晚报上评论这部电影。 He promised to review the film in one of the evening papers.
- 你如何评价你自己? How can you access yourself?
- 你如何评价这个局面? How do (did) you appraise this position?
- 评论文章严厉批评这部新剧。 The reviews hit the news play.
- 那部电影的一盘胶带找不到了。 A reel of the movie is missing.
- 你是如何评价成功的? How do you evaluate Success ?
- 这部新的影片是在非洲拍摄的。 The new movie was shot in Africa.
- 如何评价铺床这项操作? How do you evaluate the process of bedmaking?
- 那部电影真怪异! That was really a weird movie.
- 你的同事会如何评价你? How would your colleagues evaluate you?
- 这部百科全书拥有世上一切知识。 This encyclopedia is crammed with information about everything under the sun.
- 那部电影很卖座。 The film drew well.
- 你如何评价bbs的安全性? How do you appreciate the safety in the BBS?