- 证券市场的资金变迁? What's More Behind the Change of Fund Structure?
- 所以风险投资基金不能在中国证券市场上拿到回笼的资金来继续进行风险投资 As a result, VC investors cannot retrieve funds from the Chinese securities market to make further risk investments.
- 先征后返与上市公司税负研究--兼论如何促进证券市场的规范发展 First-collecting last-returning and Tax Burden on the listed Corporation--Concurrently Discourse How to Make the Security Market Develop Normal
- 证券 securities
- 针对这一问题,杜鲁门总统要求国会向希腊和土耳其提供4亿美元的资金。 President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- 证券市场 securities business
- 金融市场的资金流量很容易便会超过经常帐的资金流量。 The associated flows of international funds in and out of our markets can easily overshadow the flows arising from current account activities.
- 纽约证券市场的崩溃 meltdown on the New York Stock Exchange
- 证券市场的SCP分析 SCP Analysis of Security Market
- 于是,投入这些亚洲新兴市场的资金愈来愈多,增长非常迅速。 What began in small amounts of fund flow to these Asian emerging markets grew very rapidly.
- 论诚信证券市场的建立 On the Foundation of Honest and Faithful Stock Markets
- 於是,投入这些亚洲新兴市场的资金愈来愈多,增长非常迅速。 What began in small amounts of fund flow to these Asian emerging markets grew very rapidly.
- 《关于建立无纸化证券市场的建议的谘询文件》(证监会) Consultation Paper on Proposals for a Scripless Securities Market(SFC)
- 我们又是否真的理解在场外市场的金融衍生工具买卖产生的资金流向的性质? Do we really understand the nature of the fund flows generated from the financial derivative trading in the OTC markets?
- 集团诉讼与系统性偏袒之矫正--证券市场虚假陈述侵权案的博弈分析 Class Actions and the Correction of Systemic Bias--A Game Theory View for the Misrepresentation Case on the Securities Market
- 首先,国家对于进入内地市场的资金,提出了要有更多高科技技术含量的要求。 First of all,our country demands a higher technological content from the inflow of capitals.
- 证券市场的行情不稳定. Conditions on the stock-market were unsettled.
- 而额外的购买力更可以用来买入任何BOOM提供服务的证券市场的股票。 Additional buying power can be used to buy any stocks in any markets that BOOM offers.
- 首先,国家对於进入内地市场的资金,提出了要有更多高科技技术含量的要求。 First of all, our country demands a higher technological content from the inflow of capitals.
- 股票市场在阵痛之后的重新崛起--用化学的逻辑方法分析中国的证券市场 The Re- rising of the Stock Market after the Throes--the Analysis on Chinese Stock Market with the