- 论后GMP时代兽药市场 Comments on the veterinary drug market of post-GMP-era
- GMP认证时代兽药企业市场营销策略 The GMP Age'S Marketing Stategy To Chinese Animal Remedy Enterprises
- 关于兽药市场整顿情况的调查报告 Investigation report about renovate situation of animal remedy market
- 试论后安然时代我国会计准则的制定 On Accounting Standard Setting in China at Post-Enron Era
- 试论后工业时代体育休闲的人性意蕴 Discussion on Human Nature Meaning of Sports Leisure in Post-Industrial Era
- 加强兽药市场监管,确保畜牧业健康发展 Improve supervision of veterinary drug markets to ensure development of animal hus-bandry
- 论后黑格尔时代西方哲学的价值论转向 The Transform in Axiology of Western Philosophy in the Post-Hegelian Period
- 兽药GMP对我国兽药产业市场结构的影响 Influence of veterinary GMP implementation on the market structure of China's veterinary drug industry
- 论后股权分置时代划拨国有股充实社保基金 On the Transferring State-owned Equity to the National Social Security Fund in the Background of Post-Non-Tradable Share Period
- 快速营销反应系统下的整合营销研究--兼论后工业时代的营销理论与方法 On Integrated Marketing for Quick Marketing Response System--Marketing Theories and Methods in Post-industrial Era
- 如果俄国人向世界市场发行锡股票的话,那么金属的价格就会暴跌。 If the Russians release their stocks of tin onto the world market the price of the metal will sink through the floor.