- 让3PL成为供应链的一员 Let 3PL Become a Member of Supply Chain
- 贝蒂并不是贵族出身,而是嫁给贵族而成为贵族的一员的。 Betty wasn't born into the nobility,she married in.
- 一类制造商与零售商纵向集成供应链的最优生产与库存策略 Optimal Production and Inventory Policy for a Sort of Manufacturer and Retailer Vertically Integrated Supply Chain
- 婚姻让一些人成为一个家庭的一员,而非将自己托付给一个伴侣。 Some people marry into families rather than commit themselves to a partner.
- 一类短生命周期产品供应链的有价格差异联合契约 Combined Contract with Different Prices for Supply Chain Coordination of a Short-life-cycle Product
- 所有出口商对于继续作为自由贸易俱乐部的一员有切身利益。 Exporters have vested interest in continual membership in club.
- 透过实时追踪仓储或运输中的货件,让您享受供应链透明化带来的好处 Enjoy supply chain transparency with real-time tracking of goods, either in storage or in transit
- 授予某人头衔;使某人成为贵族中的一员。 give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility.
- 基于第三方的一类闭环供应链协调问题研究 One Coordination Research for Closed-loop Supply Chain Based on the Third Part
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 有一天你也可能成为斐陶斐的一员。 Someday you may be a Phi Beta Kappa!
- 特别感谢让我有幸成为阿根廷国家队一员的那些人。 Especially to those who made it possible for me to play in the national side.
- 具有两阶段生产模式的一类短生命周期产品的供应链协调 Effective Production Planning for Fashion Goods with Uncertainty in Demand and Two Production Modes
- 保持运动。市场经营有增强成功的驱动力,阻止它。让失败和变迁成为实践的一部分。 Keep moving.The market and its operations have a tendency to reinforce success. Resist it. Allow failure and migration to be part of your practice.
- 在边路,彼特是众多灵秀球员中的一员,他能让许多人为之惊奇。 Peter is one of the most skilful players in the side and he has surprised a lot of people.
- 小狗成为我们家一员约两年后,一天,有个流浪汉敲我们家后门,问我们能否给他点吃的。 The little dog had been a part of our family for about two years when a hobo knocked at the back door and asked if we could give him something to eat.
- 比利时银行业只是欧洲如何调整本国和海外银行业大背景里的一员。 Belgian banking is just one part of a bigger European story about the tilting balance between onshore and offshore banking.
- 他的雄心壮志是效法他母亲然后成为国会的一员。 His ambition was to emulate his mother and become a member of parliament.
- 新教师是谁现在还难以预料,但我们希望他会成为我们队里的重要一员。 The new teacher is still very much an unknown quantity but we have hopes that he will be a valuable member of our team.
- 由巴卑尔建立的、统治印度直到1857年的穆斯林王朝的一员 a member of the Moslem dynasty founded by Baber that ruled India until1857