- 视差式立体X线(照)片 parallax stereogram
- 视差式立体X线片 parallax stereogram
- 视差式立体X线照片 parallax stereogram
- 线 thread
- 视差式立体X线片 [医] parallax stereogram
- 照 photograph
- 在线 in-line
- 视差式立体社戏射线片 parallax stereogram
- 视差式彩色荫罩管 parallax colourtube
- 计算机X线断层照像术 Computed tomography
- 互补色法显示立体X线电视 Stereo X-ray TV Using Complementary Color Separation Display
- 网格投影式立体视觉三维表面重建系统 Three-dimension surface reconstruction system based on stereo vision and raster projection
- 三维计算机X线断层照像术 three- dimensional computed tomography
- 电梯升降式立体停车库的研究与设计 Study and Design on the Lift Park Garage
- 我打算安排照颅骨侧位的X线照片。 I would order a lateral skull film.
- 机械式与坡道式立体停车库横向比较研究 Comparative Research on Mechanical and Sloping Tridimensional Garage
- 坐位髌骨轴位X线投照技术的临床应用 Clinical Application of Exposure Technique for Axial View Patella Radiography with Patient in Sedentary Position
- 升降横移式立体停车库监控通讯系统的设计 The Design of Monitor and Communication System in the Up-down and Translation Cubic Car-base Park
- 立体荧光屏透视检查,立体X线透视法 stereofluoroscopy
- 透镜式立体镜适合于野外使用或者观察放大的细部。 Lens stereoscopes are practical for field use or for observing magnified det ails.