- 要甜点吗? Any dessert?
- 您要甜点吗? Would you like any dessert??
- 他们要甜点了吗? Do they order dessert?
- 吗 morphine
- 我们要不要甜点? Should we order dessert?
- 你要不要甜点,如苹果派或冰淇淋? How about anything for dessert,like an apple pie or icecream?
- 你们有甜点吗? Do you have any desserts?
- 您要甜的还是不甜的? Would you like to have dry or sweet?
- 身上无钱,说话要甜。 He that has not silver in his purse, should have silk on his tongue.
- 你们想吃甜点吗? Do you want some desserts?
- 谎言可以安慰你,你必须理解这个。事实上谎言比真理要甜。 Lies can comfort you, and you must understand this. In fact, lie is sweeter than truth.
- 您还想要再短点吗? Do you still want it a bit shorter?
- 她饱食甜点。 She glutted herself with sweets.
- 果糖来自甜果。作为果糖在店销售,比蔗糖要甜,主要为糖尿病人所用。 Fruit sugar is obtained from sweet fruits, and is sold as diabetin, is sweeter than cane sugar, and is principally used by diabetic patients.
- 吃过晚饭之后,我们吃冰淇淋作为甜点。 After dinner, we had ice-cream for dessert.
- 再要点吗? Like some more?
- 蛋奶李子甜点 prune whip.
- 再要点吗? Like some more?
- 饭后或吃甜点时饮用的甜酒。 still sweet wine often served with dessert or after a meal.
- 要甜面包、咖啡,请再给我来一杯水,顺便问一下,冰水是消毒的吗? Give me a sweet toll and coffee. Would you mind bringing me another glass of ice water? By the way, is the water purified?