- 您要哪种颜色的? Which colour do you want?
- 要哪种颜色的?是黑色的还是棕色的。 What colour do you prefer,black or brown?
- 你想要哪种颜色,紫色还是粉红色? Which color do you want, purple or pink?
- 你想要哪种颜色,紫色还是粉红色? Which color do you want, purple or pink?
- 想染哪种颜色的头发:黑色。 If you were to dye your hair, what color would you die it: Black.
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 三色性的;属于,关于或有三种颜色的,如在照相或印刷中 of,relating to,or having three colors,as in photography or printing
- 要哪种? Which kind?
- 为了我们死去的美国同胞,我们应该穿上红白蓝三种颜色的服装。 Red,white and blue should be worn in honor of our fellow Americans that died.
- 我们有三种款式的包装纸:红的、绿的、和金色的,您要哪一种? We have these three styles of wrapping paper: red, green, and gold. Which one would you like?
- 具有此种颜色的蜉蚍的亚成虫 A fishing fly having this color.
- 您要哪种香水? What perfume would you like?
- 多色的有许多种颜色的 Having many colors.
- 你要哪一种混合咖啡? Which blend of coffee would you like?
- 三色旗有三种颜色的旗帜 A flag having three colors.
- 你要找哪种工作? What kind of work are you looking for?
- 双色的有两种颜色的,如动物 Having two colors, as an animal.
- 先生,我们供应迷您型、四分之一和半瓶装的,请问您要哪一种? We sell mini,quarter and half bottles,sir. Which would you prefer?
- 你想要买哪种香烟? What kind of cigarettes did you have in your mind?
- 逛街时我看中同一款式三种颜色的裙子,他说:都试一遍好了。 When we're shopping and I see three identically priced skirts of different colors, he says: try them all on.