- 要不要来个三明治? Do you want a sandwich?
- "老板,你要不要来个培根三明治?""" "Do you want a bacon sarney, boss?"
- 前几年我看过一部电影。剧中人物问另一个人物要不要来个“nightcap”。 I remember watching a movie a few years ago in which one character asked another whether or not he wanted a nightcap.
- 你要不要来个水果? Would you like a piece of fruit?
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- "老板,你要不要来个培根三明治?" "Do you want a bacon sarney, boss?"
- 你要不要来杯茶? What do you say to a cup of tea?
- 乔伊:这里的总汇三明治好像不错。你要不要点一个试试看? Joey: The club sandwich here sounds good. Do ypu want to try one?
- 你要不要来点甜食? Are you up for some dessert?
- 或者要不要弗里曼先生给您回个电话? Or do you want Mr. Freeman to call you back?
- 你要不要来点儿喝的? Would you care for a drink?
- 请问您要不要来一块炸鸡? Would you care for a piece of fried chicken?
- 要不要我让他回来时马上给你回个电话? Will you like to have me to ask him to give you a ring as soon as he come back?
- 进餐前要不要来点开胃酒? Would you care for an aperitif before your meal?
- 他生日那天我们要不要给他拍个电报? Shall we send him a cable on his birthday?
- 要不要来和我们一道吃点东西? Would you come and have something with us?
- 她出去吃午餐了,你要不要留个口信? She's out for lunch. Would you like to leave a message?
- 要不要来杯茶? O-cha-wa ikaga-desu-ka. How about a cup of tea?
- 我们要不要找个地方坐下欣赏一会儿? Shall we find a place to sit down and watch it for a while?
- 星期五晚上要不要来参加晚会? Will you like to come to a party on Friday evening ?