- 我今天要去看电影,你要不要一块儿去? I'm going to see a movie today. Do you want to come along?
- 他把硬币掷在柜台上以决定要不要去看电影。 He filpped a coin on the counter to decide whether to go to the theatre or not.
- 要不要去看电影? How about a movie?
- 今晚你要不要去看电影? Would you care to see a movie tonight?
- 要不要去看电影? How about a movie?
- 他问要不要去给我们叫一辆租汽车。 He asked whether he should get us a taxi.
- 先生,你要不要耳机,用来看电影和听音乐? Would you like a headset,sir,for the movie and music?
- 要不要去? Shall we go?
- 我们要不要去请大夫? Shall we call a doctor?
- 在影城看电影的时候一定不要开手机。 Never leave your cell phone switched on when you are watching a movie at the multiplex.
- 要不要去餐车吃饭? Would you like to eat in the diner?
- 她要跟她妈妈去看电影。 She is going to see a movie, With her mommy.
- 以后再也不要带我去看恐怖电影了,我简直连魂都吓掉了。 Never take me to horror film again. I was scared out of my wits.
- 要不要去车间去看看? Shall we go and have a look in the workshop?
- 要不要看电影和听音乐的耳机? Would you like a earphone for the movie and music?
- 我要不要去给你弄来? Will I get it for you?
- 你要和他们一起去看电影吗? Will you go to see the film with them.
- 你到底要不要看这部电影?赶快做个决定好吗? Do you want to see the movie or not? Don't be such a flake?
- 你要不要去MTV中心? Do you want to go over to the MTV center?
- 谢谢,对了,我刚去看过医生,所以我要不须咀嚼的食物。 Thank you. By the way,I've just been to the Dentist's and so I'd like something which doesn't require chewing.