- 线性回归 linear regression
- 线性回归 Z×C 表 linear regression in Z ×C table
- 多元线性回归 multiple linear regression
- 线性回归得出化学反应速率常数表观值。 The apparent reaction rate constant can be obtained by linear regression.
- 线性回归分析中计算出来的回归线的常数和自变量的系数 when the regression line is linear (y = ax + b) the regression coefficient is the constant (a) that represents the rate of change of one variable (y) as a function of changes in the other (x); it is the slope of the regression line
- 标准线性回归模型 standard linear regression model
- 最大后验估计和最近邻线性回归结合的说话人自适应方法 A Novel speaker Adaptation Method based on Map and NNLR
- 基于多元线性回归算法预测上网清算电价建模的理论研究 Academic research of market clearing price modeling with multiple linear regression arithmetic
- 简单线性回归 simple linear regression
- “线性回归参数的固定大小序贯置信域的渐近理论”的改进 An improvement to "On the asymptotic theory of fixed-size sequential confidence bounds for linear regression parameters"
- 逆线性回归 inverse linear regression
- 线性回归法 linear regression method
- 趋势线性回归 Trend Linear regression
- 双向线性回归 Two-way linear regression
- 一元线性回归 Unary Linear Regression
- 线性回归系数 linear regression coeffficient
- 双线性回归法 bilinear regression method
- 模糊线性回归 fuzzy linear regression
- 递归线性回归 recursive linear regression
- 局部线性回归 local linear regression