- 薪金增加的静态率; Static rate of salary increases;
- 他的薪金增加到每月1 500美元。 His salary was raised to %241 500 per month.
- 增加 to raise
- 我的薪金增加到1000元。 My salary has been increased to one thousand yuan.
- 增加的 incremental
- repl语言允许您不必在声明变量时指定变量的静态类型。 The repl language lets you get away without specifying the static types of variables when you declare them.
- 趋于增加或倍增的有倍增或增加的倾向的或者能够倍增或增加的 Tending to multiply or capable of multiplying or increasing.
- 1995年神户地震的静态库仑衰减函数和余震:一个统计试验 Static Coulomb failure function and aftershocks of 1995 Kobe earthquake: A statistical test
- 增加的费用 accrued fees
- 而现有的静态测试方法主要存在漏报和误报过多的情况。 Static testing methods nowadays often miss some faults and produce too many false positives.
- 不断增加的 growing
- 含静态耗散器添加剂的航空馏出油的电导率的试验方法(05。 Test Method for Electrical Conductivity of Aviation and Distillate Fuels Containing a Static Dissipator Additive (05.
- 逐渐增加的 crescent
- 集成的249 byte的静态随机存储器(SRAM)可用于存储临时信息; In the chip,an embedded 249?byte nonvolatile SRAM could be used to store temporary information;
- 倍增成倍增加的东西 Something increased twofold.
- r阶鲁棒稳定性与零动态非渐稳单入单出系统的静态分叉控制镇定 R-order Robust Stability and the Stabilization of SISO Systems with Nonasymptotically-stable Zero Dynamics by Stationary Bifurcation Control
- 计数率缓慢增加的区域称为坪。 This region percentage slow increase is called the plateau.
- 最后增加的条款减损了该法令的效力 A stipulation added at the last minute gutted the ordinance.
- 复合功能超高交联吸附树脂对氨基萘酚磺酸的静态吸附热力学及动力学特征 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of the Adsorption of Amino-naphthol sulfonic acid onto a New Bi-functional Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Adsorbent
- 上涨的物价使增加的工资化为乌有。 Rising prices neutralized increased wages.