- 英 (surname)
- 我诧异,为什么竟没有发现在落英的背后,这萌动的不屈的生命呢? I wondered why I had had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals
- 落 leave behind
- 中英 Sino-British
- 落下 fall
- 落到 befell
- 英美 Great Britain and America
- 秋风瑟瑟,落叶纷飞。 The autumn wind was rustling and the leaves fell in profusion.
- 英制 British system
- 落魄 abjection
- 雪片纷飞。 Snow is falling in large flakes.
- 落在 fall over
- 英联邦 Commonwealth of Nations
- 蜂蝶纷飞 the bees and butterflies flit
- 花落 blossoom fall
- 英语系 department of English
- 瑞雪纷飞 Snow falls thick and fast; A good snow is failling; Snow falls thick and fast
- 英汉词典 English-Chinese dictionary
- 玉尘纷飞 great snowfall
- 落料 blanking