- 菜的味道还可以吗? How is everything?
- 加点姜就可以改变整道菜的味道。 Adding a little ganger can alter the taste of the whole dish.
- 菜还可以吗? How's the meal?
- 吗 morphine
- 他们觉得味道还可以, When they eat cabbage, tomato, potato and onion
- 外国菜的味道往往很奇怪。 Sometimes foreign food has a strange taste.
- 菜 vegetables
- 这酒还可以吗? Will this be all right?
- 我总算找到了一个店,你要做中国菜的各种东西,那里都有卖的。 I managed to find shop that sells all those things you wanted for that Chinese recipe.
- 锅盔的味道还不错,就是太硬了。 The large round baked wheat cake tastes good, but is too hard.
- 这样可以吗? Is that OK?
- 杏酱的味道怎么样? How about the apricot jam?
- 它看起来不怎么样,味道还不错。 It tastes better than it looks.
- 你们煮菜的时候,姜放得太多了,你们这样子煮又浪费又不好吃。 When you cook, you use too much ginger. It is not only wasteful but also not delicious.
- 真的吗?嗯,我希望你来的时候能顺便过来看看我们,可以吗? Really? Well, you'll come by to see us while you're here, I hope?
- 对!我想起来了,你煮的方便面味道还真不错! Yes! It occurred to me that the noodles you cooked tasted good.
- 每人自带一个菜的聚会 potluck
- 你看我借这本书可以吗? Is it okay with you if I borrow this book?
- 这个词还可以用於复数的主语之後或复数动词的间接宾语之後。 It can also follow a plural subject or an indirect object with a plural verb.
- 同样,北极熊可以嗅出20公里以外死海豹的味道。 Similarly the polar bear can scent out a dead seal from 20 kilometres away.