- 喂,你在搞什么鬼? Now then, what mischief are you up to?
- 莉达:你在搞什么鬼?瑜伽? Rita : What the heck are you doing? Yoga?
- 西方教师以为,这些孩童“在搞什么鬼”或者他们对老师不屑一顾, Western teachers assume that these children are @up to something@ or that they are showing disrespect
- 莉达:你在穿什么? Rita: What are you wearing?
- 你究竟在搞什么鬼? What the blazes are you doing?
- 他是个新来乍到的人,但没过多久他就意识到这里在搞什么名堂。 He was new here,but it didn't take him long to wise up to what was going on.
- 一个星期以来,你在咱们的厨房里把一切搞得乱七八糟。 Here you have been keeping up a perfect hurrah's nest in our kitchen for a week.
- 你在捣什么鬼? What mischief are you up to?
- 哈,你在搞笑吗? Ha, that would be funny
- "他们整个晚上都聚在一起,我就知道他们又要玩什么鬼花样了。" "They had got together the whole evening, and I knew there was something funny going on."
- (你讲)什么鬼东西? What the heck?
- 他在搞什么恶作剧? What mischief is he up to?
- 你在做事时千万要留神,你差一点就把那张桌子搞翻了。 Do be careful what you are doing. You nearly knocked that table over.
- 他们整个晚上都聚在一起,我就知道他们又要玩什么鬼花样了。 They had got together the whole evening, and I knew there was something funny going on.
- 你还在搞摄影吗?你在那方面真的很棒。 Are you still doing your photography? You're really good at that.
- 那些小孩到底在搞什么名堂? What the heck are those kids doing?
- 你在这里的引文对说明你的主要观点似乎没有什么作用。 It seems that the quotations you have here do not help your major point.
- 你到底在搞什麽鬼? What the ruddy hell are you doing?
- 我搞了一个小小的宴会来给你在家里连续过了许多单调的夜晚换换花样。 I'm giving a little party to diversify the rather monotonous series of your evenings at home.
- 他在搞什么名堂? What is he playing at?