- 花了多长时间? How long does that take?
- 那花了多长时间? How long did it take ?
- 你穿衣服花了多长时间? How long does it take you to dress?
- 你花了多长时间收集它们? How long did it take you to collect them?
- 我如何获取渲染代码的耗时?(我怎么知道渲染花了多长时间? How do I time my rendering code? (How do I know how long it takes the GPU to render something?
- 你在北京旅游花了多长时间? How long did it take you to travel in Beijing?
- 男士1:好,我要问一下:嗯,他在他们那儿工作了多长时间? Man 1: Well, let me ask you this: Uh, how many years'experience did he have working with them?
- 这对年轻夫妇花了很长时间才攒到足够的钱去欧洲旅行。 It took the young couple a long time to round up enough money for a trip to Europe.
- 她花了多年时间去提高自己的舞技。 She spent years perfecting her dancing skill.
- 多长时间? For how long?
- 晚会持续了多长时间? How long did the party last?
- 他脱衣服花了很长时间。 He took ages getting undressed.
- 你们花了多长时间来讨论那个问题? How long did it take you to deliberate about the problem?
- 我们花了很长时间钻研素描。 We pored over the sketches for a long time.
- 两党为解决此事谈判了多长时间了? How long have the two parties been treating for a settlement?
- 我花了好长时间才理清了思路。 It took me quite a while to sort out my thoughts.
- 这是一套很罕见的钱币,你用了多长时间收集的? That's a rare set of coins. How long did it take you to collect them?
- 阿曼达花了很长时间去熟悉换挡。 It took Amanda a long time to get used to the gear shift.
- 你和她交往了多长时间? How long have you dated her?
- 花了很长时间我才明白你说的话。 It took me a long time to take in what you were saying.